May 8, 2018
Chance Rehomed
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Name: Chance
Age: 6 years old
Breed: Beagle
Can I live with Children: Only older children/teens
Can I live with cats: Not tested
Can I live with other dogs: Yes, must be homed with at least 1 other dog
Fostered In: Worcestershire

Chance is a very frightened 6-year old Beagle girl, fostered in Worcestershire. She coming on in leaps and bounds, but needs to be introduced gently to all new experiences. One of the gentlest spirits we have met Chance such a delight to watch when she forgets her fears. So cuddly when she trusts.
People – Chance is very nervous of new people. Once she gets to know you she becomes very loving and cuddly. Now she is confident enough to be able to go out on a lead she is seeing more people and she is becoming more more relaxed with people as long as they don’t crowd her. She is very jumpy if people wave hands around.
Dogs – Yes. Has met a good range of age and size, Yorkie to Greyhound to large Labrador without problem. She shows no aggression.
Cats – Not Tested
In the home – Chance is normally left with another dog or two, but has been left on her own a couple of times. She is not worried about electrical appliances although she is easily frightened by random loud noises, bumps and bangs. She is very slowly becoming less frightened by general household noises, but we don’t think she would like a very noisy environment. In the early days a sudden bump would result in her running scared to a place of safety and not coming out for some hours. At the moment she tends to run out of the room but comes back after a short time.

She is worried about large pieces of material, towels, sheets, duvet covers, dog blanket. Very sad to see but we are working on it. Chance has the usual puppy farm dog problem with going through doors – she has come on well with this, although there are still odd occasions when I have to move right away from the door before she will come in.

Out and about – Chance loves going out on a lead. She pulls a little but is not difficult. She doesn’t walk to heel yet.
Type of home – Chance needs an active, but calm home. She loves going out and walking. Although she is nervous with people she actually enjoys company of people she knows and we think she would like a home where someone is around a lot of the time. Her adoptive family will have to understand her fear and be willing to be patient and work at her speed (with a gentle nudge). Anyone who puts some time and effort in will be richly rewarded. Chance must have at least 1 calm dog with her. We think she will learn to play, but at the moment she isn’t sure what to do.

Chance is neutered, chipped, vaccinated and up to date with her flea and worming treatment. Potential adopters will be expected to travel to meet her in her foster home in Worcester

If you are interested in adopting Chance please read about our rehoming process and complete a Pre-Adoption form (link below) and one of our adoption coordinators will contact you for a chat.

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