Dec 1, 2018
Ruby and Flash – Adopted
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I’m delighted to introduce Ruby and Flash, an incredibly gorgeous pair of bonded rabbits.

Like rocking horse droppings, bonded pairs of rabbits available for adoption are pretty rare…. And here we are with two pairs in as many weeks – how amazing is that! Let’s share Ruby and Flash’s FOAW story with you….

Ruby and Flash were surrendered to FOAW as victims of the sadly all too familiar reason of being unwanted children’s pets, kept in accommodation half the minimum welfare standard size for a rabbit and on a completely unsuitable diet. When they arrived with us, both had fur mites and mucky ears and Ruby had a weepy eye – all of which were easily sorted by a few visits to our fabulous vets and the love of one of our wonderful Fosterers.

Worryingly, Foster Mum noticed they were drinking far too much water. Back to the vets where blood tests revealed they both had problems with their livers. Lots of investigations and an array of different medications later, our very rabbit savvy vet has decided that actually they are very happy and healthy rabbits who just happen to have abnormal blood results!  They will continue to need to have six monthly blood tests with our vet who knows them best (FOAW will pay for these visits and any treatment that arises related to liver problems) but apart from that, they are simply perfect!

Foster Mum says that Ruby and Flash are two of the loveliest rabbits you could possibly meet. Gone are the timid little things that would only come out of hiding when no one was around.  They are really showing off their personalities now and are pretty much polar opposites!  Ruby is very outgoing, a little bit cheeky and always the first to greet you. Whereas Flash is just super chilled out and will happily hunker down for a good nose rub.  They are so special they are stars of the 2019 FOAW calendar and apparently were the perfect little models.

Ruby and Flash are both fully vaccinated and spayed/neutered and are now looking for their perfect forever home together. So, if you’re looking for a ready made pair of extremely gorgeous rabbits, look no further – just click on the link below and fill in the adoption application form. If you have any questions about their long term care and how FOAW continue to support any animal with known on-going medical conditions, just drop us a line on Facebook or via our website.

Application Form

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