Oct 27, 2022
Boyce *****ADOPTED*****
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Boyce D2022-121


My name is Boyce. Please be patient with me and take time to read about me. Once I know you I will be your bestest friend. I like to spend most of my day sleeping in my open crate on my doughnut bed. I do not chew or damage anything. I’m not bothered about a ball or toys, just give me food and love. I adore being fussed. Ok

I am house trained and have learnt to use a large cat flap. Now the sun has come out I like nothing more than to lie outside basking in it.

I walk really nicely on a short lead. I have enjoyed going to a secure field and having the freedom to explore and run. I like to eat most things, but not carrots or apples. I love peanut butter, best thing in my Kong. I enjoy enrichment time, Licky mats and rummage box or just hiding treats for me to find.

Foster mum says I have to tell you about the other bits to my personality. You see I had a difficult start to life, living on the streets in Turkey and breaking my leg. I still have four legs but one of them is a bit wonky this doesn’t slow me down mind. I am frightened on meeting new people, and show this by barking especially if the new people come into my home. I barked like crazy at my foster mum when I first met her, she brought me home, took me for a walk, gave me some food and I decided oh she’s alright. So it won’t be love at first sight, well at least for me. So please do not worry if I act like I hate you initially, that’s just me. Foster mum has advice about how we should first meet so don’t worry she will hold our paws on my journey in my forever home.

A behaviourist has recommended that I am an only dog in the home as I sometimes struggle with other dogs. I just don’t need that extra stress in my life. Out and about I might bark initially as another dog approaches, but I seem to be ok once they are next to me and often will try and make friends. I tend to ignore their humans outside as long as they ignore me.

My ideal home would be a calm quiet one with routines that I can learn. I need minimal stimuli and would love to live in the countryside where there is not much traffic or people passing by. I find visitors in the home really stressful unless they are going to be regular and I can get to know them. I will always need access to my crate to support me.

I like a nice walk to familiar places but do not need loads of exercise and please avoid too many busy places. The behaviour specialist has some top tips on how to welcome me and make me feel safe, and you will have loads of back up from my amazing team.

Foster mum has tried to measure me to help with judging my size as the pictures don’t do me justice. My neck to tail height is 48cm. Head to tail height 60cm. Neck to tail length48. So are you tempted…… please give me a chance. Get it right and I am actually minimal maintenance, short walk and some treats is about it. I just want to lay my hat down and have my forever home. I could even live with older children who will understand I needs a quiet life.

Only dog

No cats or small furries

Older children

Quiet life with treats and short walks

Fostered in Frome.


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