Jul 7, 2018
Bach – Successfully Bonded

So it’s true – the best things really do come in small packages….

We are having to pry the petit but adorable Bach from his fosterer’s arms to put him up for adoption because everyone who meets this special boy falls instantly in love, and she is no exception. However, Bach’s now ready to find his forever home with another special human and a female bun to bond with, as he knows he needs to free up our wonderful foster mum to care for another rescue rabbit.

Bach appeared in our lives a few months ago as a stray. He is a friendly fella – running to greet everyone and, unlike most rabbits, he enjoys an occasional cuddle.  His favourite pastime is spending time in the garden and, as you can see from the video on his Facebook post, he’s a pretty nifty mover and quite the gardener!  All this energy makes him a good eater and he loves hay, grass, kale and broccoli.

There aren’t many guarantees in this life, but we’re pretty willing to put a hefty bet that the lucky person who adopts Bach will fall totally under the spell of this little charmer as he’s not only beautiful – we think he is a Siamese Sable – he also has the perfect fun and loving bunny character.

Bach is neutered and fully vaccinated (both vaccines) so is looking for his forever home with a NEUTERED, VACCINATED female. FOAW is happy to help and give advice on the bonding process.

If you think are able to give Bach the perfect forever home he deserves, please fill in the adoption link below. Please remember that he’s only looking for a home where he can be bonded with a neutered and vaccinated female rabbit:

Application Form

More Details