May 25, 2018
Teddy Rehomed
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Name: Teddie
Age: 8 months
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Can I live with Children: Older children only
Can I live with cats: Yes, dog savvy ones
Can I live with other dogs: Yes
Fostered In: RCT 

Teddie is an 8-month old Yorkshire Terrier who is being fostered in RCT, South Wales. He is a typical terrier, full of energy and mischief so he will need a home that’s prepared to give him plenty of attention. He will bark at anything he is unsure about as he is still getting used to lots of things. He comes from a home where he is used to getting his own way so his new owners would need to maintain a level of discipline to stop him slipping back into bad habits

People – Teddie loves humans although he has not really had too much contact with children. He has met children aged 12 and 14 and he is fine with them. He seems fine with children when out and about.

Dogs – Teddie is fine with other dogs. He is very lively so he would have to be with dogs that would tolerate him as he will not take no for an answer when he wants to play with them.

Cats – Teddie is fine with cats and wants to play with them and they tend not to like that. Any cats in the home will have to be dog savvy.

In the home – Teddie is fine in the home and can be left for short periods. He is left in a crate after making sure he has had a walk first. He sleeps all night in his crate overnight and he is fine. Teddie is not destructive but he will pinch anything he can reach, tissues especially! If you drop anything he will pick it up in a flash and run away with it.

Out and about – Teddie behaves well on a lead, pulls a bit when he first goes out but soon calms down. He does want to say hello to everybody or any dog that he meets and he will pick up anything on the pavement if he can to carry while he walks. He is getting used to the noise of traffic he will stop if a bus or a big lorry goes by but that will be ok given time.

Type of home – A home that has plenty of time for him and we think a home with other dogs because he does enjoy playing with them. His new family would have to be very firm with him and understand that he is still young and has a lot of growing up to do.

Teddie is neutered, chipped, vaccinated and up to date with his flea and worming treatment. Potential adopters will be expected to travel to meet him in his foster home in South Wales


f you are interested in adopting Teddie please read about our rehoming process and complete a Pre-Adoption form (link below) and one of our adoption coordinators will contact you for a chat.

application form

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